Friday, May 12, 2017

Golf on Pawley's Island

 May 8-9
      John found two beautiful golf courses on Pawley’s Island, Tru Blue and Cordelia, on  Different but both interesting and challenging.  We played by ourselves on the first day but got off before the members starting times and had the course to ourselves.  The next day was pretty slow, but we played with an interesting gentleman originally from York, UK who lives really close to Maria in London now.   I tried to convince him to try Bombay Burrito.
        We got back early enough on Monday for me to go to the Rice Museum.  It was a fascinating explanation about the rice plantations that made the area very wealthy before the Civil War.  It was rice not cotton that was “king” in the Low Country.   All of the cypress swamps were cleared and 1000 miles of canals and dikes and irrigation gates made it possible to flood thousands of acres of land as the rivers flowed down into the deltas and met the ocean tides coming in.  Georgetown fared pretty well after the Civil War made rice farming impossible without slaves.   They also had a good harbor and lots of lumber.  A paper mill is still operating and when the wind blows just right…
         The museum also has the remains of a really old boat that proved that they were building commercial vessels in the colonies as early as 1730.  They found it and a lot of stuff on it

really well preserved in the black muck of one of the rivers in the area. The most amazing thing was that the ribs were made of single branches of oak trees.  They looked for ones just the right shape and cut them

The most photogenic alligators we have seen have been on golf courses.


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