Sunday, July 2, 2017

On to New York

June 26, 2017
     Four hours in Atlantic city was plenty for both of us and we were anxious to take advantage to the good weather to get to New York so we headed out on the rising tide again.  The tides in this area are about 5 feet so we have a lot less trouble with shallow water on a high tide.  When the biting flies come out in the swampy grass lands we are really glad we have a fully enclosed pilot house.  And they were out in swarms to Manasquan Inlet.  We had some  trouble getting off the boat with  short fixed docks and a very high tide, but I managed to climb off and walk into a cute little town, Point Pleasant Beach and get burgers from a soda fountain diner for dinner.

June 27,2017

  We left Manasquan Inlet into the Atlantic early the next morning.  It was our first time in the open ocean since Florida Bay, but the weather was perfect and the seas really calm.  Our boat can handle wind and waves but its really uncomfortable to be rocking and rolling on the boat for 5 hours.  We had decided to stop on Staten Island at a marina for our visit to Margie and family in Brooklyn so we got into the lower New York harbor and ended up at Great Kills State Park.
First view of New York Harbor at the Verrazanno Narrows Bridge.

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