Nov 4, 2017
Again a group decided to head through the next lock together, and again
it was really foggy, but 14 of us made it through the Demopolis Lock at 7 AM. Heading down the Tombigbee River we were
making better time. Up to 10 mph! but
still had to anchor out that night.
About 7 boats anchored in the same area.
Some were in Bashi Creek, off of the river and some of us just off the
side out of the channel. A couple barges
that went through that night set us rocking, but it worked out pretty
well. I got out my kayak and had a wonderful
trip up the creek for about an hour.
It’s a pretty good way to get some exercise.
Nov 5-7, 2017
The next day was short again since everyone wants to stop at Bobby's
Fish Camp, an infamous restaurant with a very short dock. We were one of the first to get there so we
got one of 3 spots on the dock, but then as more and more boats showed up we
had to raft together. There were four
boats tied together at three spots on the dock for a total of twelve boats
together. The restaurant was really a
must see, but I really don’t like fried catfish well enough to appreciate the
“best catfish on the Tombigbee River”.
There be monsters in this river!
All tied up just for some catfish. |
The next morning untangling ourselves was a sight, but daylight saving
time went off Saturday night and we had more light to help.
Only one lock on this section and we anchored out again in Tensas
Creek. It was a much bigger area and
about 10 boats fit in. I tried my charcoal grill on the boat that night and
made the best steak of the whole trip.
(Maybe it was because the steak was 1.5 in thick.)
Lots of fog the next morning slowed out departure, but we were going to
make it to Mobile no matter what.
Mobile is 0 mile on the waterway that started 450 miles before on the
Ohio River. And that was after 325 miles on the Illinois from Chicago, 217
miles on the Mississippi and 60 miles on the Ohio. And more locks than I have any intention of
counting again.
Unfortunately Mobile is a very busy port and boat building area and there
are no recreational marinas so we had to proceed down the bay about 20 mile to
Dog River to tie up. Not much of a
marina, but they did have a courtesy car so I was able to get to a grocery
store to provision. We have a lot of
storage and a full size refrigerator with a freezer, but we go through a lot of
fruit and vegetables and can’t store more than about 5 days’ worth.
Mobile!!! |
I hope when I’m 65 I am somewhere where I can just hop in my kayak because I have nothing else to do that day! Sounds like paradise.